Publications and Projects


Publication | 01 "Halmoni's Day"
Kirkus Book Review
In August, 2000, "Halmoni's Day" was published as a tribute to Grandparents' Day and to children who know little about their own grandparents' heritage. "Halmoni's Day" received a starred review from Kirkus Reviews and in 2001, won a Notable Children's Book Award from the National Council for the Social Studies and the Children's Book Council.

Project | 02 "A Project of Remembrance"
September 11, 2016 will mark the 15 year anniversary of 9/11, and the students at Milford Public School in Hunterdon County, NJ have embarked upon a project to honor those lost on September 11, 2001, as well as to begin a "Project of Remembrance" for their hometown of Milford, NJ. The students have developed an assembly for the day, with a flag ceremony, poetry reading, pledges for peace, and the planting of red, white, and blue flowers in the school garden. The 8th graders will also invite members of the community to be interviewed , so they can begin to document a comprehensive oral history of the town and its wonderful residents. Finally, the 7th and 8th grades will assist the younger students with having their handprints printed around a patriotic banner that will read, "A Project of Remembrance - 9/11/16".
"September 11th was one of the worst days, but it brought out the best in us. It unified us as a country and showed our charitable instincts. It reminded us of what we stand for."

Project | 03 "Character Counts!"
Every day, there are opportunities for students to exhibit Character building behaviors, and every month, students will be focusing on developing the Six Pillars of Character Education in unique and thought-provoking ways. From writing journals to acting in plays and working with peer mediation groups, all grade levels at the Milford Public School will be actively involved with improving the academic and social environment in school and beyond.